Link … React Native之事件监听DeviceEventEmitter DeviceEventEmitter - react-native - 知乎 React Native之事件监听DeviceEventEmitter React Native之事件监听DeviceEventEmitter. I think that this project should use NativeEventEmitter instead (though I don't know "NativeModule" we would use). 2. GitHub. NativeEventEmitter.addListener (Showing top 15 results out of 315) // Answer MyFiziq event requests MyFiziqEvent. The easiest way to do this is to use RCTDeviceEventEmitter which can be obtained from the ReactContext by using .getJSModule () method. React Native Event Emitter for RCTEventEmitter in Objective-C addListener ( 'myfiziqGetAuthToken', (data) => { // Answer with idP service user authentication token, as per AWS Cognito OpenID mapping. I then started looking into how I could run In the page 2 when you come back from page 3 get the data you passed from page 3 in _componentFocused the syntax i have shown below.. For the reload to occur you must have … DeviceEventEmitter not working for ios but works in android